Sunday, February 10, 2013

Welcome to My Spinster"hood"

 As of late, I have been obsessing over certain habits I have acquired over the past couple of years. Not only habits, but interests, vernacular, regimins--life style choices. I've become more comfortable with the idea of going places alone, and sometimes I'd prefer to be alone. I'll choose a quiet night at home with my cup of Earl Grey tea over a hazy night down at Livingstone's. Yes, some may say that it is merely a passing of time--growing older--but I am only the mere age of twenty-two. When trying to explain this to a friend he only replied "it just sounds like any single girl's life"but I had to disagree. The word spinster popped into my head. Spinster. Meaning:

1. A woman who has remained single beyond the conventional age for marrying.
2. A single woman.
3. A person whose occupation is spinning.
Now I do not entirely believe I am beyond the age of marrying, but the abundance of babies and wedding bands that circle a large group of friends and acquaintances should make me believe otherwise. A single woman, now that is not entirely true, but I still believe myself to be singular--dependent on only myself. I do not occupy myself with spinning, but I could certainly use it as a metaphor (as I do with most everything I encounter) and say that within my small singular life I feel as though I am always spinning and spinning ready to go tumbling to the ground. 
So needless to say, I want to write a blog about spinsterhood for the twenty-something year old. I am lucky enough to have a roommate who shares in my solitude, so this blog will focus on both of our perspectives and our happenings of being singular, unmarried,  forever spinning ladies--two old bitties. I want to focus on the mundane, the quiet activities that separate us from our "yolo" generation. Yes, awful, I know. These activities could be as mundane as planting flowers, having crafty Tuesdays, or picking out an unwanted whisker. 
Here are some blogs I found interesting and somewhat appropriate with my own blog idea: 

I feel like these two blogs are more like a conversational piece, which I eventually want to incorporate. I want to express our cynicism and our bitterness toward this isolation we feel from others our age but all while employing humor. Because we truly don't take our loneliness quite so seriously! 
I hope to incorporate literature too (especially poetry--duh) because I feel that that also separates us as we cling to Romanticism and the 20th century, afraid to leap onto new modern branches. So here is a link to a blog I found interesting:
So, Spinsterhood for the Twenty-Something Year Old: Two Young Bitties. Hooray! 


  1. You have always been older than your chronological age my Jess.... but there are other things beyond Earl Grey that you contribute to this life....

  2. Old souls, whose age is not measured chronologically, are comforable with the solitude of themselves. You've chosen a worthwhile topic to explore.

  3. While I enjoy solitude I would say I'm a curmudgeon rather than a spinster. I am looking forward to taking a peek into your life and frankly "crafty Tuesdays" sound like fun.

  4. Interesting topic to explore in a blog Jessica. Seems like a genuine alternative lifestyle. I've never heard of "spinsters" but the idea is pretty cool even though I'm a guy. Sounds like the activities that you and your roommate enjoy, and that separate y'all from y'all's generation, will be cool to read about.

  5. I love the humor in this! Although I can't relate to the single aspect, I can relate to this in that I enjoy things that most people my age don't. My friends and family always call me a grandma and tell me I should have been born in an earlier era. I don't belong in the 2000s ahhh!! I am very interested to see what kinds of activities you will post about and I will continue to enjoy the mild humor in your spinster label.

  6. I love your title/concept, though I might reverse the order to make it easier for your readers to remember (Two Young Bitties first). I also love that friends outside the class have already commented on your blog—I know that’s one thing that helped me to keep blogging . . . knowing that people cared enough to read what I wrote. You have something important to say, I think, about how women in their 20s can lead satisfying lives. You might feature other young women who have made similar choices. I look forward to reading more!
